Mr. Popularity
Last night was much better aside from the twin size couch Kory and I share. The first couple of nights, laying down was a luxury so we...
Keaton is continuing to progress in his recovery. Last night his spurts of sleep lasted 1-2 hours at a time compared to the 20/30 minute...
The day after! And here we are, having slept very little and needless to say, last night was as challenging as we were told it may be. ...
From start to finish, the surgery took right at 4 hours. The surgeon reports a great surgery with positive results. Keaton should have...
Prayers and Blessings
Hi All, Thanks again to everyone for their support of this little boy. Since the marathon in March, he has made great strides! Horse...
Team USA to Keaton's 1st Day!
Ever wonder what it may be like to be hit by a mac truck at 50 miles per hour? Me neither, but if it is anything like I feel now,...
Meet the Teacher!
The longest line is the last name line beginning with G-L...Koehler! Of course, we need in that one. Finally equipped with our folder...
Happy Birthday Keaton
Happy 5th Birthday, Keaton! Your arrival was an answer to our prayers. We waited for days, weeks, months for you and here you were. ...
One Step at a Time ...
There are so many references that come to mind when comparing Kim’s marathon journey to Keaton’s life journey. His life is always going...
Angel Wings and Perfect Moments
First, I want to say that we did it! Somehow we ran 26.2 miles and Keaton and I both want to thank everybody for their support during...