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Mr. Popularity

Last night was much better aside from the twin size couch Kory and I share. The first couple of nights, laying down was a luxury so we didn't realize our sleeping quarters were limited. On the upside, our boy is sleeping several hours at a time! Whoo-hoo! There was an early morning concern with a small fever which has since subsided and some pain. However, the rest of the day has been better. The day rounded out with a number of special visitors. To be exact, it was standing room only.

A big thanks to everyone who came to visit: Sweetie, Paw-Paw, Ms. Amy, Kimmy, Aunt Chrissy, Uncle Derek, Tanner, and Mackenzie. We even had an appearance from little brother Kason. First and last visit if I must say myself. He woke up every neighbor on the surgical floor. Sorry friends. Clean sheets, fresh gown, meds and my favorite roommates will make for another good night.

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