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Meet the Teacher!

The longest line is the last name line beginning with G-L...Koehler! Of course, we need in that one. Finally equipped with our folder and directions to Ms. Flores' room, we are off to class. Smiling faces and excitement galore...which is sure to be tears and crazy on Monday. (I'm totally talking about me!) Down the yellow hall stalking each doorway, there it is...Keaton's room. We walk in to a warm welcome..."KEATON!"

Introductions begin and here I go with my merry-go-round of questions. Sweetie and Paw-Paw are breathing down my neck to jump in if I miss one topic or question. I round out my 20 questions and offer the teachers to keep Kason (kidding...not really) and then it's picture time.

I was able to capture a really sweet pic of Keaton and his new teachers. I learned he will visit another Kinder class throughout the day as part of his rotation. We were able to to meet Mrs. Chavanne and sneak a peek at her room, too. This kid is in for an action packed day. Supplies delivered, goodies given, visited our favorite teachers from PreK and we are done. Off to last minute shopping and weekend fun.

Good luck in Kindergarten Keaton Koehler. May this journey bring you days full of fun, laughter and the happiness you deserve. Mommy will be in the parking lot crying.

About the Marathon
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