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One Step at a Time ...

There are so many references that come to mind when comparing Kim’s marathon journey to Keaton’s life journey. His life is always going to be a marathon. Miles and miles of obstacles, but great success along the way. I look at him and believe every day that life’s toughest battles have the sweetest victories!

It’s not every day that someone says they want to run a marathon for your child….and then actually do it! As we all played detective and had our own “Amazing Race” moments trying to find Kim at mile markers, I kept thinking I can’t believe this is really happening! The moments when we would see her were awe-inspiring. They were touching, moving, sweet, emotional and so much more than my words could ever convey.

My family gathered at the finish line for Kim’s arrival and Keaton, Kory, Aunt Chrissy, Kenzie and myself joined them. We took pictures in our Keaton Crew swag and stationed ourselves just right for the perfect finish line crossing pictures.

As Kim rounded the corner for the finish line stretch, she detours straight to Keaton and grabs him. The moment is tattooed on my soul and will be a memory I will carry for a lifetime. My child will most likely never have the ability to run a marathon, but here he is crossing the finish line! After I put my emotions in check, I began to think back like a Mom…Holy crap, she just ran 26.2 miles, there is no way she can hold herself up and Keaton, too! Mom mode kicked in. I have to get to them because I know he’s a sack of potatoes and right now her legs are string peas. I quickly catch up with them and relieve Kim of her load and congratulate her on such an amazing accomplishment!

I reflect on this event daily. I never take for granted Kim’s thoughtfulness, compassion, understanding and selflessness. I celebrate her victory and hope my child is always a reminder to her that she capable of anything. Kim has inspired my husband (Keaton’s Dad) to begin a journey of his own. He’s not jumping off the deep-end with the full marathon, but has signed up for the half marathon. I sincerely hope Kim realizes her role is so much more than a runner in a marathon. She has added a new path to our family’s journey, memories, forever connected our families and inspired everyone along the way.

Congratulations Kim! You are amazing and you make the Koehler Krew so proud. Thank you for being a part of our crazy life.

XOXO – The Koehler’s

About the Marathon
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